Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Amidst the downpour, the earth shivers
Existence is threatened, living becomes a luxury
But when you learn to weather the gale
The storm means nothing….

Caught in the midst of the mist,
One fights to find a strong footing in the invisible ground beneath
But when you have etched your path through the quicksand
The mangroves mean nothing….

Lost in the forest, fumbling in the deep woods
The calls of the night bring the fear of the unseen
But when you can light up the path in a black hole
The darkness of the night means nothing…..

As the fire of passion burns
It consumes the sense of the mind
But when you have won it against the devil
The human temptation means nothing….

In love one suffers
The pain of separation, the agony of rejection
But when you have sacrificed all your heart at its altar
The heartache means nothing….

The greatest enemy lies within
With the strength of a thousand men
But when you learn to tame the beast beneath
The mightiest of the opponents outside mean nothing….

In life there are differences to overcome,
Struggles to cope with, hardships to be borne
But when you are the warrior
The battles mean nothing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This one..

The greatest enemy lies within
With the strength of a thousand men
But when you learn to tame the beast beneath
The mightiest of the opponents outside mean nothing….

Is most amazing!!!