Sunday, July 19, 2009

That's me!!

I am the kind of person who'd die, go to heaven, be welcomed by the angels, have a seat all decorated for me, be escorted by beautiful demi-gods who'd take me to it, have a symphony played as I walk down to it, then as I sit on it and the ceremony reaches a crescendo, I realize that it is the sacramental seat for those to be sent as an envoy to hell - forever!!! And for what??? To try and reform the evil there....

That's all there is to my life!! No real heaven...only detour trips through it to hell....


Anonymous said...

hey, that's sounds pretty sinister. Everything alright?


Seema Menon-Thakur said...

can plzzz bring the demi gods, and the symphony when u come to reform....plzzz :)

Good one...he he

Aimless Archer said...

Hey Kanchan,
Everything is fine....just wrote it on one of those days when everything goes wrong :)

Thanks Seema.

Aimless Archer said...

See you soon in hell, Seema :)Will bring Marlon Brando, Gregory Peck too...

Anup Jadhav said...

i can't think of a better person to reform evil than thee..since you've mostly been evil in the secret fortress of your imagination ;-) .

Aimless Archer said...

Well said my friend...poison cures poison bite...